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Page 6  |  Total Results: 254  |  Showing: 101 - 120
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Level 22
Hello there! What's shakin'? Did you play the weekend?
2008-09-30 06:56:26
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Level 22
Ok! It is definitely not a mormon musical!
2008-09-25 23:42:15
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Level 40
I plan to get hold of a copy. I am starting up a cold reading group round here for those folk who don't want to appear in a string of Mormon musicals. This sounds like the kind of stuff we are looking for. We plan to cover non hoochie hidey holes too, but you gotta cover all the bases.
2008-09-25 17:47:37
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awarded on 2009-01-29

Level 22
AHHHHHH!!!!! Dead bunnies in the vagina!!!!! What a freakin good story! Thank you --gosh sometimes you really can't make shit up! Not that's it's a coincidence, but it kind of is, (no, no shoving of dead animals in the coochie) I was reading the play August: Osage County and there is a part where the daughters are talking about their mother hiding a bottle of pills in her cooch!
It is fuckin great writing. I recommend it highly-- I think you will like it.
2008-09-25 15:59:43
Team Robot Member badge
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Despite the fact that TEAM ROBOT was crushed like a Pabst can at a frat party by the might claws of TEAM MONSTER, you are still deserving of a badge... Loser.
awarded on 2006-10-18

Level 40
I just came across this and had to share it with you and sledgy. http://en.wik ipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Toft
2008-09-25 15:10:49
Team Robot Member badge
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Despite the fact that TEAM ROBOT was crushed like a Pabst can at a frat party by the might claws of TEAM MONSTER, you are still deserving of a badge... Loser.
awarded on 2006-10-18

Level 40
Pants holding up so far but it is only noon here in sunny CA! Brilliant idea about the book, there does indeed need to be an MTC book
2008-09-24 11:59:09
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The Yay! Badge XII
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awarded on 2009-01-29

Level 22
Oh so dramatic and fabulous!
Wow, I went on a tangent last post huh? I think I am back to normal. I was so exhausted and misplaced. I felt like Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh.
How are your pants holding up? hee hee
I like this contest, so many fun mixes! I think there needs to be a Mixtapecollective book.
2008-09-24 09:52:26
Team Robot Member badge
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Despite the fact that TEAM ROBOT was crushed like a Pabst can at a frat party by the might claws of TEAM MONSTER, you are still deserving of a badge... Loser.
awarded on 2006-10-18

Level 40
That massage therapist line reminded me of a thesb party I was at a millenia ago when a very pretentious and dangerously drunk drama queen declared in a very wobbly manner that "A young actress must remain at her best at all times" before throwing up and passing out all in one less than graceful movement!
2008-09-23 18:14:40
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The Yay! Badge XII
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awarded on 2009-01-29

Level 22
Thanks for the Pow Wow update. Very cool! How can you help but NOT fall asleep under a tree. It's delicious! You probably can find Branston on line, no?
Business trip was a business trip, what can I say. Went to Atlanta. Woke up extra early both Sat/Sun to attend meetings. I really wore me out, cuz we were in the hotel conference rooms all day long, and then they had a dinner for us, which was also in the hotel and they had a casino put in for everyone to chill out. Of course- fake money, raffle tickets and prizes. I played Texas hold-em all nite with co-workers, missed dinner and didn't win any prizes. But I was kicking ass in hold-em. I was a fake millionaire. I should have just thrown myself down the stairs at that point. So being that a couple of us missed dinner, we went to the restaurant in the hotel and ate and drank some more. The highlight of my nite was Slim Charles from the Wire was in the place. His real name is Anwan Glover. He was very very nice. He told us that he was going to play Snoop Dogg in a bio on him. Then typical, when douches get drunk fashion, one of the "attendees" says to him, "SO--Is Snoop Dogg's real last name DOGG or what??" I was thinking - "Gee, Great time to be a cracker...." He was totally cool and just answered him normally- I heard him say Calvin.. and then I zoned out on him because he was soooo tall. I just got caught up in his height and he has a great raspy voice. I was mentally done when one of my other coworkers was pushing a free porn site on them saying, "All you have to do is type in black women and...." Went to bed , woke up at 6 to finish the meeting the next day. Some people were a silent mess- you could just look at them and know they were hurting. THAT'S when I should have thrown myself down the stairs, but alas they were carpeted, so I would have just gotten rug burns and static electricity zaps. One of my favorite quotes I heard was from one of the sales managers when he was sauced, "If I wasn't in sales, I would totally be a massage therapist right now". Barf.
2008-09-23 10:14:38
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Despite the fact that TEAM ROBOT was crushed like a Pabst can at a frat party by the might claws of TEAM MONSTER, you are still deserving of a badge... Loser.
awarded on 2006-10-18

Level 40
Oh yeah, my jeans almost fell down at the Pow Wow due to lack of a belt so my Indian name was almost "Dances With Underpants"
2008-09-22 14:38:50
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Despite the fact that TEAM ROBOT was crushed like a Pabst can at a frat party by the might claws of TEAM MONSTER, you are still deserving of a badge... Loser.
awarded on 2006-10-18

Level 40
The Pow Wow was brilliant. It was up in the mountains in the local reservation. There were all these instructions for outsiders like not calling the Indian dress "costumes" but regalia, standing when the drum dances were on, stuff like that. The little kids looked so great in their cost... whoops, regalia, and it was so peaceful and moving. I bought a ton of drums and flutes and stuff, plus several books on the history of the Yakut, the local tribe. A very sad history it is too. As for the Indian tacos, they were like ordinary tacos except that the meat and salad stuff was on this huge Indian fried bread which must have taken yewars off my life but which was delicious. We took lawn chairs and fell asleep under a tree just like old folk are supposed to do at social functions.

Deep fried Mars Bars are a Scottish rather than English thing, but I did have one once. I like banana fritters.

Anyway, hope the biz trip has not been too awful and that the lip balm has helped keep you going.
2008-09-22 14:35:03
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Despite the fact that TEAM ROBOT was crushed like a Pabst can at a frat party by the might claws of TEAM MONSTER, you are still deserving of a badge... Loser.
awarded on 2006-10-18

Level 40
Apparently you sit up in bleachers and watch native american dancing, drumming, etc etc. A member of my band, Ben, is involved with the tribal council and I think he is doing something. I am really looking forward to it.

Ploughmans? Branston Pickle? Make me homesick why don't you! Can't get Branston's round here, and believe me I have looked. I so like the sound of a stoner chip shop. There is an English pub in Visalia that I haven't tried yet. Hope the business trip is not too horrible. I will report on the PowWow later
2008-09-20 05:02:25
The Yay! Badge XII badge
The Yay! Badge XII
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awarded on 2009-01-29

Level 22
Pow WOW! I never knew that they happened---well not here in NY at least. If they do happen here- I haven't seen one. Do you dance there? get to wear a headdress or something? Tacos! I just had Ploughman's with Stilton. They forgot the branston pickle and pickled onions. We have a chip shop in the neighborhood and I always see the cooks smoking doobies outside. Other than forgetting a few things, the food is good and they are pretty friendly.
Every once in a blue moon I will order the deep fried mars bar. Is that popular in England? Are you familiar with Derek Acorah/ Most Haunted? You must... anyway, my friends and I have been imitating him almost everyday.
especially from this episode:
http://www.youtube.com/w atch?v=yPhIhL2ngBs&feature=related
Apologies if you are a fan--- :#
Ah shit I need to pack. Have a great POW WOW! Hope the tacos are deliciouso!! My native american name would be something like, Big Waster of Time who Sits by Light Box.
2008-09-19 20:42:52
Team Robot Member badge
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Despite the fact that TEAM ROBOT was crushed like a Pabst can at a frat party by the might claws of TEAM MONSTER, you are still deserving of a badge... Loser.
awarded on 2006-10-18

Level 40
Welcome to my culinary world!

I am going to my first Pow Wow tomorrow. Well, it is not mine, it is the Tule Tribe's, but you know what I mean. I am told Native American tacos are good. I will report!
2008-09-19 17:23:40
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The Yay! Badge XII
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awarded on 2009-01-29

Level 22
HA- that's funny. I think the autumn has made me ravenous. I could eat a whole loaf of bread and drink a bottle of wine and then a bag of chips, cheese, french fries, hot wings, kimchee, bratwurst, more pasta, cake, vanilla shake, root beer, cherries, Pringles, cheeseburger, corn, and a caesar salad.
I have to wake up at 4am - maybe I will just stay awake until then. Ahhh whatever...
2008-09-19 13:34:12
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Despite the fact that TEAM ROBOT was crushed like a Pabst can at a frat party by the might claws of TEAM MONSTER, you are still deserving of a badge... Loser.
awarded on 2006-10-18

Level 40
If I had a quarter for every time I have had cold pasta for breakfast i would probably have $28.75 Touring I loved (except for the couple of years I didn't because I was burnt out) but business trips I never liked. When I was little and I had to go to the dentist, my Dad would always get me a bribe to get me through it. I have continued the tradition to this day and whenever I have to do something I don't like (like invasive medical tests, lots of those at the moment) I buy myself a treat afterwards. A big treat, usually musical or food related! Hang in there
2008-09-18 16:05:54
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The Yay! Badge XII
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awarded on 2009-01-29

Level 22
Hey thank you for the story. Always very good to read. I feel like caca poo poo lately. I have to go on a business trip and don't want to go. I am eating cold pasta for breakfast.
2008-09-18 09:03:10
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Despite the fact that TEAM ROBOT was crushed like a Pabst can at a frat party by the might claws of TEAM MONSTER, you are still deserving of a badge... Loser.
awarded on 2006-10-18

Level 40
Story time: Geno Washington was on the roster of Motown in the early 60s, I think he had a minor hit or two, then moved to the UK where his Geno Washington & The Ram Jam Band played R&B all nighters, covering the soul hits of the day. He was immortalised in the Dexy's Midnight Runners song 'Geno'. Well, by the 80s, he still haqd a version of the Ram Jam Band on the road, playing the London club and pub circuit. My sister had seen him in the 60s glory days and called me to see if I fancied catching his show. I had been away with a children's theater company for ages and hadn't seen her much, so I agreed.

My sister was going through a bad divorce at the time and it didn't take much to encourage her to drink. We were both pretty full of gin and tonic by the time Geno finished his set. As the band loped off the stage, Janice said that she wanted to go backstage to say hello, and promptly headed that direction. I thought I should follow her so I did. We found ourselves in Geno's dressing room, a cramped affair made all the smaller by our entry and Geno's at6tempt at concealing the line(s) of coke he was about to snort. Janice stumbled over to him and said that she used to see him a lot in the sixties. He lied and said he remembered her. Then she remembered me, and said, "This is my little bruvver, he is a mooshishan too!" At that Geno extended his hand. She went on, "He sings about Penguins to five year olds in the theater~? At that the hand was withdrawn again. And that would be that, except...

Two hours later, we are locked in at the pub, and Geno, Janice and some of his band sit in front of me joining in with vocals and hand actions as I play a borrowed guitar and sing..."Bedtime for Mr Penguin, Nighty Night, It's all here in black and white, Just enough time for a sleepy wish, For lot's of ice and some tasty fish!"

2008-09-17 15:09:27
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Level 22
I wrote Roddy Mcdowell - it was Malcom - I always get their names mixed up. DOH!!
2008-09-15 08:10:41
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The Yay! Badge XII
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Level 22
More gigs! Woo Hoo! My weekend consisted of some writing, some collaboration with friends on directing some pieces, playing with my niece and nephew, and just bumming around at home. I too have watched some really good shite tv this weekend. My favorite was Doomsday- I know I can kiss those brain cells good-bye. It was bad, had potential, but I think the movie was confused. It was like doomed futuristic one minute and then very much like Road Warrior and then it turned medievil and then went back to Road Warrior and then turned doomed futuristic again. It kind of left it open for a sequel- I think. Roddy McDowell and Bob Hoskins were in it, among some other recognizable faces. Then I watched Fido- zombie/pet film which was cute and funny. Then I watched the new HBO show True Blood- I think I like it- I'm getting into it slowly. Then I watched Entourage- I don't know what it is, but all the characters this season are real annoying.
I got the new Motorhead album, just listening to it, not sure yet how I feel about it yet. Blah blah blah- It was hot today. I guess that cool weather was like "I'm outta hear!" more blah blah blah...there are alot of new mixes, aye...hard to keep up with them all. My brain hurts.
2008-09-14 21:09:54