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Poopa Troopa: The Glory of the Number Two

Poopa Troopa: The Glory of the Number Two
Created by: Delinquent
Tracks: 12
Length: 00:37:47
Keywords 1. Alternative
2. Rock
3. Dookie
Created on 6/27/06 06:37pm
Level 6
Points 2821
Total visitors 136
Unique visitors 74
Second place sucks. You're close enough to first that you can taste it, but you aren't considered good enough to have won. As the saying goes, you are indeed the first loser. Well, you'd be amazed at how many great songs follow up the opening album track on their respective albums. This compilation pays homage to the songs that were never quite good enough to make that #1 slot. Please join me in giving the following songs the credit they so rightly deserve.


1 The Paddingtons : First Comes First
Hey, the title says it goes first, so the song goes first... got it? A great song from a great band that remi [...]
Track 2 from First Comes First
Length: 00:02:56
Year: 0000
Track Description:
Hey, the title says it goes first, so the song goes first... got it? A great song from a great band that reminds me of a little stuffed bear in a giant yellow raincoat.
2 Death from Above 1979 : Romantic Rights
OMFG! One of the greatest bands of all time (I promise you that if you ever go on strike at your job, THIS is [...]
Track 2 from You're A Woman, I'm A Machine
Length: 00:03:15
Year: 2004
Track Description:
OMFG! One of the greatest bands of all time (I promise you that if you ever go on strike at your job, THIS is the band to listen to while you are walking around in circles holding a sign). So damn good because everytime I hear them I remember what a kick-ass show they put on.

1 Bassist + 1 Drummer/Vocals = Bruised ass (from the kicking, silly!)
3 Kings of Leon : Red Morning Light
Dirty southern rock from a bunch of poseur-divas. Doesn't matter; they still rock!
Track 1 from Youth & Young Manhood
Length: 00:03:00
Year: 2003
Track Description:
Dirty southern rock from a bunch of poseur-divas. Doesn't matter; they still rock!
4 Head Automatica : Brooklyn Is Burning
One of the more poppy tracks on the mixtape, this band knows how to make your head bob. Seriously, just liste [...]
Track 1 from Tokyo Decadence
Length: 00:03:58
Year: 2004
Track Description:
One of the more poppy tracks on the mixtape, this band knows how to make your head bob. Seriously, just listen to them!
5 The Blue Van : Product of DK
This is the point where the collection starts to mellow out a little, so what better song for a transition tha [...]
Track 2 from The Art of Rolling
Length: 00:02:41
Year: 0000
Track Description:
This is the point where the collection starts to mellow out a little, so what better song for a transition that a stop-go masterpiece?
6 Aqueduct : Hardcore Days & Softcore Nights
The drums! It must be the drums! The beat carries the catchy lyrics.
Track 2 from I Sold Gold
Length: 00:03:53
Year: 2005
Track Description:
The drums! It must be the drums! The beat carries the catchy lyrics.
7 Built to Spill : Center of the Universe
Seriously, do I need to explain why this song from this band is on this mixtape? Didn't think so...
Track 2 from Keep It Like a Secret
Length: 00:02:43
Year: 1999
Track Description:
Seriously, do I need to explain why this song from this band is on this mixtape? Didn't think so...
8 ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead : Mistakes and Regrets
Mellow... or is it? Oh, how ...AYWKUBTTOD tricks us! Just when you thought the music had descended into a st [...]
Track 2 from Madonna
Length: 00:03:46
Year: 1999
Track Description:
Mellow... or is it? Oh, how ...AYWKUBTTOD tricks us! Just when you thought the music had descended into a state of "chill," one more swift kick in the ass. Ka-POW!
9 22-20s : Such a Fool
Why don't more people know of this band? Why?
Track 2 from 22-20s
Length: 00:03:56
Year: 0000
Track Description:
Why don't more people know of this band? Why?
10 TV On The Radio : Staring at the Sun
Quite possibly my favorite song of all time. No drums, but the beat is solid gold. A band that has no equa [...]
Track 2 from Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes
Length: 00:03:27
Year: 2004
Track Description:
Quite possibly my favorite song of all time. No drums, but the beat is solid gold. A band that has no equal and a sound so original. Brilliance. Pure brilliance. And thus my need to share with you.
11 Muse : Bliss
One of the best performance bands. Vocals that are almost disturbingly pleasant move through a sea of keyboar [...]
Track 2 from Origin of Symmetry
Length: 00:04:12
Year: 2001
Track Description:
One of the best performance bands. Vocals that are almost disturbingly pleasant move through a sea of keyboard, drums, and guitar.
12 We Are Scientists : This Scene is Dead
Note: Track is 00:03:43

The band of nerds (not really) bring the rock like Sarah Silverman brings [...]
Track 2 from With Love and Squalor
Length: 00:00:00
Year: 0000
Track Description:
Note: Track is 00:03:43

The band of nerds (not really) bring the rock like Sarah Silverman brings the hots... and the sexys... and the funnies. An ending fitting of the mixtape. "Can't go home/ The night is young/ I'm blackin' out/ But it's been fun..."

Tag Board

The One Year Anniversary Badge badge
The One Year Anniversary Badge
Issued to those who have stuck it out for a year here on MTC. What a long, strange trip, huh?
awarded on 2010-06-09

Level 11
This mix has a future. Lookin' good.
9/26/09 06:38pm
The Serendipity Badge badge
The Serendipity Badge
You're just too good. In looking for one thing, you found another. Way to go, champ.
awarded on 2009-12-19

Level 14
this is really good. that's exactly what i love about that trail of dead song.
6/01/09 10:15am
Team Robot - First Place badge
Team Robot - First Place
A special badge for the first-place winner of the fabled robots vs. monsters mixtape contest. As my boy Johnny 5 would say, "Robot Team kick your ass, Robot Team Kick your face, Robot Team kick your balls into outer space"
awarded on 2006-10-18

Level 28
tv on the radio's dave bowie's fav band for now.
theyre something else. & that's my favourite track after bomb yourself.
they make me smile.
10/18/06 08:04am
Team Robot Member badge
Team Robot Member
Despite the fact that TEAM ROBOT was crushed like a Pabst can at a frat party by the might claws of TEAM MONSTER, you are still deserving of a badge... Loser.
awarded on 2006-10-18

Level 8
This is a fantastic mix. Great tracks from TVOTR and We Are Scientists, and, yes, Muse.
8/30/06 04:56pm
The Serendipity Badge badge
The Serendipity Badge
You're just too good. In looking for one thing, you found another. Way to go, champ.
awarded on 2006-08-03

Level 10
This is a damn good mix +3
7/29/06 06:47am
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