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Tags for "Music from a Darkened Theater - Fuzzy Dreams"

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These are the tag archives for mixtape: "Music from a Darkened Theater - Fuzzy Dreams."
Page 1  |  Total Results: 8  |  Showing: 1 - 8

The Yay! Badge VII badge
The Yay! Badge VII
This baffling badge is bestowed to those who can truly grasp the striking permanence and ungodly continuance of the of the elusive 'YAY!'.
awarded on 2007-08-27

Level 27
What an incredible lineup.
2008-09-22 12:07:26
TEAM 97 -- Third Place badge
TEAM 97 -- Third Place
Long before being knocked up with Eddie Murphy's illegitimate child, Scary Spice was on top of the world. Now, she's nothing but washed up. It's kind of sad, really. Just by scoring third place in this contest, you've got infinitely more street cred than Scary. Congrats!
awarded on 2007-06-17

Level 18
i wish i'd jumped on this when it was sendspaced. consider doing it again puh-leease.
2007-08-17 19:23:53
The Valentine's Day 2007 Badge badge
The Valentine's Day 2007 Badge
Happy Valentine's day from the MTC staff. We really love you guys. That said, put your pants on and get out before we call the cops.
awarded on 2007-02-14

Level 16
Wow, I really like your mixes! This one is really especially good, though. +s. Oh, and I can't believe you had to add +/-! That is just wrong.
2007-04-28 09:53:17
Mixtape Contest XXIV - Winning Team Badge badge
Mixtape Contest XXIV - Winning Team Badge
Sir Lancelot: Look, my liege!
[trumpets play a fanfare as the camera cuts briefly to the sight of a majestic castle]
King Arthur: [in awe] Camelot!
Sir Galahad: [in awe] Camelot!
Sir Lancelot: [in awe] Camelot!
Patsy: [derisively] It's only a model!
King Arthur: Shh!

awarded on 2008-11-02

Level 19
http://www.se ndspace.com/file/bd3xwp

Here's the song files for the mix if anyone's interested in hearing it in all its sonic glory. Recommendation: turn the speakers up.
2007-04-26 10:09:10
The Level 10 Badge badge
The Level 10 Badge
Welcome to level 10! Credibility is just a few levels away.
awarded on 2007-03-07

Level 13
By the way I dont know a lot of Roxy Music other than Avalon. What's the best one to pick up?
2007-04-25 21:25:18
The Level 10 Badge badge
The Level 10 Badge
Welcome to level 10! Credibility is just a few levels away.
awarded on 2007-03-07

Level 13
Any chance of getting a hold of this one? I saw +/- for the first time play the backyard of a thrift store during SXSW this year. Their drummer played a 20 minute solo while the dudes in Ladybug Transistor waited for one member to show. They were real good. Also, Califone, probably the only Califone track in the MTC.

Good show.
2007-04-25 21:24:27
Team Robot Member badge
Team Robot Member
Despite the fact that TEAM ROBOT was crushed like a Pabst can at a frat party by the might claws of TEAM MONSTER, you are still deserving of a badge... Loser.
awarded on 2006-10-18

Level 40
I'd like to hear this.
2007-04-25 13:03:53
The Patton Badge badge
The Patton Badge
Driving Lamborghini's and sipping on martinis. This badge is for those who express their love of Mike Patton through mixtape.
awarded on 2008-08-07

Level 27
mmm... i like your mixes. especially this one.
2007-04-25 09:45:16